
I am a woman on a journey to self-acceptance, peace, and joy who is discovering her inner masterpiece. I hope my stories and experiences can help you find your inner masterpiece.


immagine del cuore: image of the heart……”He believed the masterpiece was already inside the stone. All he had to do was remove the excess stone.” Soulprint by Mark Batterson

“Each person grows not only by her own talents and development of her inner beliefs, but also by what she receives from the persons around her.” Iris Haberli


  1. Thanks for the follow! I was on a train when I received the notification and I immediately took the time to browse around your blog. You are real and it flows clearly through your words. I just read your post on southerners. Loved it because for me this is exactly what is meant by food for thought. I got to be southern for just a few minutes. I experienced the warmth of the culture, the majestic mountains, the pride…all of it. Had a few smiles too. There’s so much more I could say about it but I won’t. I will spare you. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance πŸ˜‰

  2. How do I begin to – Thank You – for stopping over and following my humble blog-o-thing?!? I wish you the very best, not only today but well into the future. Be inspired and please take care.

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